• Illness and Incarnation

    My feet have been up for most of today. I had some minor surgery yesterday, and if I stand for too long, my bruised big toes start to throb. Did Jesus’ side wound throb when he had walked for too long? When he reached Emmaus was he holding on to the flesh above his hip,…

  • Safeguarding Souls, not Standings

    As a Music Therapist, as a Teacher, as a volunteer in faith circles, I have lived and breathed safeguarding for almost twenty years. I am the kind of person who overthinks every conversation, who always worries if I did the best I could and who is anxious about the consequences of getting things wrong. Of…

  • Finding your Place

    From the age of five or six I have been a musician. I had an exceptional primary music education, with two passionate teachers leading choirs, recorder groups and more. From the age of seven I have been a pianist, and from the age of ten a wind player. At the age of eleven I became…

  • When Nothing Feels Enough – I AM

    I may not be able to run any more. But I remember vividly when I did run, training for the Great North Run. I pushed myself so hard, but never seemed to reach my training goals. I got so fed up, frustrated, and probably got in my own way more than I helped myself. I…

  • International Women’s Day 2023

    I have some incredible women in my life. Before I even started to write today, I reflected on them all and realised just how blessed I have been by women. Women who live all over the UK, and even beyond. Women who send me little gifts when they see things that remind them of me.…

  • Crawling towards Justice

    As someone living with Chronic Fatigue I understand the gifts in moving slowly. Taking time and care to make sure what I plan to do fits with my capacity. Only setting off down a path once I am confident I can make it there – and back. Carrying only what I need with me and…

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